Abstract Submission
All participants are required to submit two separate documents:
- Abstract for the poster contribution (maximum 2 A4 pages) following the provided template.
- One additional page containing a summary of the PhD/postdoc research project (250 words max.) and a related graphical abstract (12x16 cm max.).
The files to be submitted should be named "surname_abstract.docx" and "surname_GA.docx".
All submitted abstracts will be included into the conference book, that will be indexed with ISBN code and distributed to all participants during the school.
Editors of the publication will be B. Civalleri, G. Ricchiardi, D. Scarano, G. Spoto.
The deadline for abstract submission is set on 30th November 2015.
The abstract will be at the the basis of the attribution of a limited number of grants (at least 10) covering one half of the registration fee.
The grant attribution (in the form of a reimbursement) will be communicated by 15th December.
It won't be possible to consider for the grant attribution abstracts submitted after the deadline.