At the moment, in our Raman laboratory three different dispersive Micro-Raman instruments are available:
1) Renishaw Micro-Raman System 1000 equipped with one exciting laser line at 244 nm (Coherent 300C MotoFred Ar+ laser),
2) Renishaw inVia Raman Microscope equipped with two exciting lines at 325 nm (Kimmon IK Series He-Cd Laser)
and 442 nm (Kimmon IK Series He-Cd Laser) 3) Renishaw inVia Raman Microscope equipped with two exciting lines
at 514 nm (SpectraPhysiscs Ar+ laser) and at 785 nm (Renishaw diode laser). The instruments can be set to dose
the appropriate power at the sample to avoid decomposition and/or undesired reactions. Measurements can be performed
on samples in air or in controlled atmosphere by adopting home-made cells (used for the activation also):
1) 2 RT cells which allow activation and measurements in static or flow conditions; 2) “77K” cells for measurements
in static conditions.

TEM micrograph of Au/SiO2 system containing 100wt% gold.
SERS spectra of silica containing 40wt% gold (red), 70wt% gold (green), 100wt% gold (blue).
Black spectrum refers to bare silica. The highest intensification of silica Raman features
(in particular the 970 cm-1, referring to Si-O stretching of Si-OH groups) is reached for the highest loading
Research guidelines
- Characterization of bulk and surface properties of catalysts
- Characterization of polymers
- Characterization of MOFs (Metal Organic Frameworks)
- Characterization of carbon-based materials
- Study of biomaterials in interaction with biological media
- SERS (Surface Enhanced Raman spectroscopy)

SERS spectra of silica containing 40wt% gold (red), 70wt% gold (green), 100wt% gold (blue). Black spectrum refers to bare silica. The highest intensification of silica Raman features (in particular the 970 cm-1, referring to Si-O stretching of Si-OH groups) is reached for the highest loading