


At the moment, in our Raman laboratory three different dispersive Micro-Raman instruments are available: 1) Renishaw Micro-Raman System 1000 equipped with one exciting laser line at 244 nm (Coherent 300C MotoFred Ar+ laser), 2) Renishaw inVia Raman Microscope equipped with two exciting lines at 325 nm (Kimmon IK Series He-Cd Laser) and 442 nm (Kimmon IK Series He-Cd Laser) 3) Renishaw inVia Raman Microscope equipped with two exciting lines at 514 nm (SpectraPhysiscs Ar+ laser) and at 785 nm (Renishaw diode laser). The instruments can be set to dose the appropriate power at the sample to avoid decomposition and/or undesired reactions. Measurements can be performed on samples in air or in controlled atmosphere by adopting home-made cells (used for the activation also): 1) 2 RT cells which allow activation and measurements in static or flow conditions; 2) “77K” cells for measurements in static conditions.
TEM micrograph of Au/SiO2 system containing 100wt% gold.
SERS spectra of silica containing 40wt% gold (red), 70wt% gold (green), 100wt% gold (blue). Black spectrum refers to bare silica. The highest intensification of silica Raman features (in particular the 970 cm-1, referring to Si-O stretching of Si-OH groups) is reached for the highest loading

Research guidelines

  1. Characterization of bulk and surface properties of catalysts
  2. Characterization of polymers
  3. Characterization of MOFs (Metal Organic Frameworks)
  4. Characterization of carbon-based materials
  5. Study of biomaterials in interaction with biological media
  6. SERS (Surface Enhanced Raman spectroscopy)