NIS member wins prize

Elena Groppo was awarded the "Ivano Bertini" prize of the Italaian Chemical Society
The prize is dedicated to a researcher under 40 of age, acknowledging particularly significant and innovative contributions in any field of chemical sciences.
Elena Groppo received the prize during the 25th congress of the Italian Chemical Society held at Rende 7-12/09/2014, where she was asked giving a lecture, that was entitled "Selective catalysis and spectroscopies: an essential pair at the frontier between fundamental and industrial chemistry "
The citation reads: "Per la sua creativa e autonoma attività di ricerca di alto livello in un campo strategico sia per la ricerca fondamentale che industriale. Al confine tra catalisi e scienza delle superfici, la sua ricerca ha dimostrato sia il dominio di tecniche spettroscopiche avanzate sia ottime conoscenze nel campo della catalisi industriale."